The FAMILY OFFICE IMPACT INVESTMENT PLATFORM is a Private Investment Platform with limited access to active registered ESAFON Members who seek out of the box investment opportunities in impact development projects or in impact Start-Ups in early stage or in development stage.
The platform do retain:
- impact investment projects managed by Family Businesses, Family Offices or Private Investors
- impact start-Ups in early stage
- impact start-Ups in development stage
The pre-requisite for the Start-Ups and SMEs is to register as ESAFON Institutional Member.
ESAFON STRATEGIC IMPACT ADVISOR ensures the due diligence of the impact investment projects and the Impact Start-Ups before proposing to Family Offices through the platform and certifies that the selected investment projects have a real impact with an acceptable long term financial return.
The selection criteria of the impact investment projects are the following:
- Effective impact strategy with real impact in accordance with the SDGs
- Quality of the impact indicators (qualitative and quantitative)
- Detailed Business Plan, scalable, resilient and bankable
- Detailed Market analysis and Risk Assessment
- SWOT analysis including Strengths and Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
- Quality of the Project management (management team of minimum 3 persons)
- Investment amount
- Investment long term horizon
- Financial Investment Return
- Co-Investors
The Private Investors, Family Businesses and Family Offices wishing to co-invest in impact investment projects and duly registered with ESAFON as active members gain private access to the facsheets agreed by ESAFON STRATEGIC IMPACT ADVISOR and published on the ESAFON platform (on going).
They can benefit upon request from additional independent information and advisory services regarding these projects , provided by ESAFON STRATEGIC IMPACT ADVISOR.
To apply to the ESAFON FAMILY OFFICE IMPACT INVESTMENT PLATFORM or for more information, please contact Dr Anne Golbery, Partner, ESAFON STRATEGIC IMPACT ADVISOR, mobile 00 33 6 45 83 67 67, e-mail